Jacques Lacan

  • 网络雅克·拉康;雅克 拉康;雅克拉康;拉冈;雅各·拉冈
Jacques LacanJacques Lacan
  1. Jacques Lacan 's psychoanalysis theory of self-construction expands the view of literary criticism .


  2. Jacques Lacan is very famous for his obscure and abstruse thought .


  3. As the representation of the post-depth psychology , the subject theory of Jacques Lacan has great tension .


  4. Jacques Lacan , as a post-psychoanalyst , the post-modern tendency of whose theory is remarkable .


  5. Jacques Lacan presented a theory of " the Mirror Stage ", and made the paradoxical problems seemed more serious through developing the subject philosophically .


  6. This paper attempts to show the underlying genetic logic in the structuralist psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan 's teaching by introducing Lacan 's topological theory of the graph of desire .


  7. With the help of Aristotle 's insight of tragic catharsis in Poetics , Jacques Lacan analyzes Sophocles ' Antigone and develops his peculiar and general tragedy theory .


  8. As one of the most important philosophers and psychoanalysts , Jacques Lacan deconstructed the central status of self and the wholeness of " I ", thus leading psychoanalysis study to a brand-new era .


  9. Part One is a brief introduction to the author and his novel Second Skin . Part Two is an introduction to the theoretical perspective applied in the paper . In this part , the theories of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida will be introduced and compared .
